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Pink Aesthetics

What is Pink Aesthetics, How Is It Done?

Pink aesthetics: It is the process of regaining the shape, form and color of the gums, which has an important place in smile design.


To have an aesthetic appearance and smile, the gums, teeth, lips and jaw should be in harmony. Healthy gums are pink in color and have a slightly rough surface.  Before the pink aesthetic treatment, gum diseases such as gingival recession, gingival swelling, gingival bleeding and redness, gingival sensitivity should be treated.  Different treatment methods are applied for gingival aesthetics, depending on the presence of the problem. Generally, in patients who complain of the appearance of the gums when they smile, the gums are cut by laser or surgically to reshape and level. Even with small corrections made with pink aesthetics, great results can be obtained in most cases.


How to Make Pink Aesthetics?

The method to be used in pink aesthetic applications is decided after the patient examination. These methods are; gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, crown lengthening, gingival peeling, lip positioning, gingival recession treatment.


Who is Pink Aesthetics for?

It is applied to people who have excessively visible gums, unsymmetrical level of gums, increased gaps between teeth, swollen or inflamed gums, and people whose gums have lost their natural color.


Is Pink Aesthetic Harmful?

If done correctly, the pink aesthetic will never harm the teeth or gums. You can easily benefit from the aesthetic intervention in question without any worries about this issue.

You can benefit from it and have a perfect smile.   


Is Pink Aesthetic Gum Treatment a Painful Procedure?

There is nothing to be afraid of in the treatment of Pink Aesthetic gums. Since it is performed under local (regional) anesthesia, the patient does not suffer from pain and pain.


How Long Does Pink Aesthetics Last?

Although the pink aesthetic procedure varies according to the number of teeth to be made, it takes between 15-45 minutes and the person returns to his daily life as it gives immediate results.


How Many Days Does Pink Aesthetics Heal?

Recovery time in the pink aesthetic method varies according to the type of treatment. In general, recovery time ranges from one to seven days.


What is a gingivectomy and how is it done?

It is the process of removing the excess gingiva in the gingival enlargement and in the areas where deep pockets are formed. After the excess gingiva is removed, the form and shape of the gingiva is regulated. Laser, scalpel or electrosurgery can be performed.


What is gingivoplasty and how is it done?

It is the process of shaping the healthy gum tissues around the teeth. It is performed with laser and electrosurgery.


What is the Difference Between Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty?

Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty are often confused with each other. Gingivectomy, in the most general way, is the removal of a part of the gum tissue from the teeth with a surgical intervention. In this respect, the procedure differs from gingivoplasty. Because gingivoplasty is the process of shaping healthy gums around the tooth. These two methods are different from each other in terms of both the way they are applied and the reason for their implementation.


What is Crown Length Extension, How Is It Done?

In this method, which is applied to patients whose teeth look smaller than they are due to the fact that the gums are on the teeth, the procedure of removing the excess gums and shaping the bone is applied. In this way, a longer appearance can be obtained on the teeth.


What is Gum Peeling?

Just as people have different skin tones, gum tones are also different. Generally, darkening of the gums is caused by an irritant and is not a person's natural gum color. The most common cause of dark pigments in the gums is genetics. Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color. The increase in this pigment in the gingiva causes the appearance of dark gingiva. Smoking causes an increase in this coloration. As a side effect of some drugs, black discoloration appears on the gums.


How is Gum Peeling Performed?

A peeling operation is performed on the gums using a dental laser airflow or scalpel. After this peeling process, the gingiva is peeled and the melanin pigment is removed from there.


What is Gum Peeling Treatment Period?

The procedure is done between 30 and 45 minutes. Local anesthesia applied during the procedure will be sufficient.

What is Gummy Smile?

Gummy smile, also known as gum smile; It is the name given to the condition where the gums are seen more than normal when talking or laughing.


What Causes Gummy Smile?

The gingival smile, which is one of the reasons that disrupt the aesthetics of the smile, can cause the gums to appear above the required rate, not only during smiling but also during speaking, and can cause psychological discomfort to the person.

The factors that cause Gummy Smile are as follows;

      The upper lip muscle is strong and it pulls the upper lip higher than it should,

     Excessive growth of the upper jawbone in the vertical direction,

     The lower and upper jaws are not at equal angles,

     thin upper lip

     The upper teeth in the front have shorter dimensions than they should be,

     Inflammation due to some dental and gum diseases,

     Some of the blood pressure medications used cause the gums to grow over time.


How is Gummy Smile Treatment Done?

For gummy smile treatment, which spoils a beautiful smile and increases the need for smile aesthetics, the factor causing this situation should be correctly identified and treated accordingly. Otherwise, a permanent treatment cannot be provided. Methods used in the treatment of Gummy smile; lip positioning, gingivectomy (shaping of the gums with laser), gingivoplasty, botox applications and orthodontics and surgical procedures to the jawbone in patients with skeletal problems. The important thing is to determine the source of the disease correctly and to make the most appropriate treatment for the person.


How to Treat Gummy Smile with Botox Application?

By injecting botulinum toxin with fine-tipped needles to certain points on the upper lip line, the visibility of the existing gingival level is interfered with. Botox applied in the treatment of gummy smile has no side effects. To give an example of its reliability, botox application is a drug used in the treatment of neurological diseases for 35 years and in the treatment of skin wrinkles for 25 years, and it has no known side effects. Before the application, no pain is felt as anesthetic cream will be applied to the relevant area. The duration of the procedure is about five minutes and it is possible to return to daily life immediately. The control period in this application is 15 days.

What is Lip Repositioning, How Is It Done?

Lip positioning process; It is the name given to the intervention made in order to correct the appearance of the gums more than necessary. Lip repositioning surgery; with a simple technique, it prevents the lip from going up too much when you smile. A small band of gum tissue is removed from under the lip, then the gum tissue is sutured to a lower position. When the area heals, there is no scar. So when you smile, your gums don't show too much.

What is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is the pulling of the gum over the root of the tooth, exposing the root surface. The likelihood of gum recession increases with age. Depending on environmental and genetic factors, withdrawal can also be seen at a young age. If gingival recession is not treated, the risk of tooth loss may occur. Before this situation progresses too much, you should go to a gum disease specialist.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Recession?

Gingival recession first manifests itself with tooth sensitivity. As the recession progresses, the tooth lengthens noticeably and the tooth begins to wobble. However, bleeding in the gums during tooth brushing, when eating hard foods such as apples or in normal times, gum pain, subsequent gaps between the teeth, pain and gum sensitivity felt even when breathing in cold-hot or in advanced cases, Bruising or redness of the gums, swelling of the gums or swelling of the gums are among the symptoms of gum recession.

Why Are Gums Retracted?

The factors that cause gum recession are as follows;

   Using a very hard-bristled toothbrush

   Brushing the teeth and gums in the opposite direction and vigorously,

   Severe crowding of teeth,

   Dense dental calculus and bacterial plaque due to lack of hygiene,

   Severe systemic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes,

   Smoking, which causes the development of gum diseases,

   Incorrectly made coatings and fillings,

   Genetic predisposition,


   Clenching or grinding the teeth

   Gingivitis, degenerative changes in the gums,

   Weakening of the immune system as a result of malnutrition,

   Using drugs such as heart medications, antidepressants and birth control pills,

   Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause.

How Is Gum Recession Treated?

In the treatment, first of all, all tartar around the teeth is cleaned with special tools and ultrasonic devices, and polishing (polishing) is applied to the tooth surfaces. While scaling is sufficient in mild recessions, in advanced gingival recessions, the piece we call graft is taken from the palate and sewn to the extracted area. Although there are many methods in the treatment of gingival recessions, the technique that I prefer most often and which I apply in almost all advanced recessions is the tunnel method. In this method, gingival treatments can be performed in an aesthetic way by suturing the piece taken from the palate under the tissue without incision in the extracted area.

Who is at Risk of Gum Recession?

Systematic diseases such as diabetes, old age, hormonal changes, stress, and conditions such as teeth clenching/grinding cause the risk of gingival recession. Care should be taken if there is a family history of gum recession. Because genetics is an important factor in gum recession.


How to Prevent Gum Recession?

For oral and dental health, regular dental check-ups should be made every six months. Regular brushing habits should be gained for tooth and gum care. The toothbrush should be used correctly and brushed with the right technique. A toothbrush with not very hard bristles should be used. Teeth cleaning should be done by the dentist at regular intervals. It should be ensured that the loss of teeth and tissues experienced with aging should be detected beforehand and necessary precautions should be taken. Smoking should be stopped. Attention should be paid to healthy and adequate nutrition. Stress should be avoided as much as possible.

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